Hello there. My name is Paul Auerbach, I'm a research associate at the Barkhausen Institut Dresden and a PhD Student at the TU Dresden.
I'm interested in embedded and performance oriented programming, especially in robotics and reinforcement learning
I already worked as a 'Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft' (Research Assistant) at the 'Labor für Fahrzeugtechnik' of the HTW and at the laboratory of simulation and modeling.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.
Close ProjectAs part of my Master thesis I implemented a mathematical model developed by my supervising professor that describes the growth of an embryonical lung. You can read more about it on his website.
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